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Our chiropractic assistants are looking forward to your call during our opening hours under 0611 -97 13 95 21 and will find appointments directly with you for the initial examination and the results discussion. Outside opening hours, you are welcome to leave your name, telephone number and availability on the answering machine. We will be happy to call you back.

Initial Examination

Explanation of Chiropractic

Uns ist es wichtig, dass Sie verstehen, was wir machen; deshalb erklären wir Ihnen am Anfang kurz die Grundlagen der Chiropraktik. Dadurch können Sie besser nachvollziehen, warum wir einige gezielte Fragen stellen oder spezielle Tests machen.

Anamnesis / Health history

Before your chiropractor discusses your current complaint with you in detail, she will ask you about your general health, previous illnesses, operations, accidents and lifestyle. We always see the whole person and questions that seem unimportant to you may be important to us.


During the examination we will perform chiropractic, orthopedic and neurological tests with you to see where the problem really comes from and to identify compensation patterns.

It is advisable to bring comfortable clothing and to wear as little jewellery as possible.

Evaluation of the results

We never treat on the first day. First, the results must be evaluated, compared with any x-rays you may have brought with you, and a decision made as to whether chiropractic is appropriate and safe for your case. If there are no objections, we will draw up an adjustment plan for you and decide which adjustment techniques you will use.

Second Appointment


We will discuss your findings with you in detail, so that you understand where the problem came from, what the supplement is at the moment, what results can be expected and what you can do yourself. If you are "not a case" for chiropractic, we will refer you to the right specialist.

Discussion of the type of treatment

Jeder Körper ist anders und reagiert unterschiedlich auf die Behandlungen. Deshalb verwenden wir in unserer Praxis mehrere Techniken und Systeme, um uns genau auf Ihren Körper oder den Ihres Kindes einstellen zu können. Techniken, die wir verwenden sind, unter anderem, die Sacro-Occipital Technik (SOT) nach Major DeJarnette, Network Spinal Analysis und Teile von anderen Techniken, die uns sinnvoll erscheinen.

Discussion of the adjustment plan

Here we discuss in which time interval and over how many weeks the treatments take place at the beginning. We will also inform you about a possible precaution if this was not already the reason for your appointment.

Time for questions

If you still have questions or something was incomprehensible, we give you the space / time to clarify them.

First treatment

If you have decided to start your chiropractic treatment and it makes sense to start at this time, the first adjustment will be carried out.
